

New York

  • In 1932, after her remigration to Vienna, the Austrian journalist Ann Tizia Leitich published [I]New York[/I], an account of her life and writing experiences started as an emigrant in New York in the 1920s.
  • BookPhotobook
  • New York

    Word Count: 2

  • Ann Tizia Leitich
  • 1932
  • 1932
  • printed book, 10 pages text, 62 b&w images

  • Hotel Woodward, 210 West 55th Street, Times Square District, Manhattan, New York City.

  • German
  • 18 x 25,5 cm

  • New York City (US)
  • In 1932, after her remigration to Vienna, the Austrian journalist Ann Tizia Leitich published New York, an account of her life and writing experiences started as an emigrant in New York in the 1920s.

    Word Count: 33

  • The three short texts and 69 images in Ann Tizia Leitich's New York make the book a kind of combined photobook and city guide. In 1932, after her return to Vienna, the Austrian author and journalist Ann Tizian Leitich published New York, an account of her life and writing experiences in New York. "New York als Vision"; "Das New York des Luxus"; "Das New York der Arbeit” – the titles of the three German written essays – thematise the life and the status of the metropolis during the 1930s and reflect on the image of the city in Europe. The 69 images show typical sights and buildings of New York. They start with the Empire State Building, continuing with day and night overviews of the city from elevated viewpoints, the harbour and bridges, Fifth Avenue, Broadway, Wall Street, views of skyscrapers and the everyday life of people in the urban space, train stations, Trinity Church, theatres, apartment interiors and rooftops, street life in such boroughs as the Lower East Side, Little Italy, Chinatown and Harlem, with a closing image of Coney Island.

    The images not only captured views of the city and everyday life on the streets, but also the eclectic architectural styles of the buildings. Under each image is a short description with details of the credited photographers/photo agencies. Four images are signed “Jacobi, Berlin” and were taken during Ruth Jacobi's stay in New York in the late 1920s. This was the only publication to reproduce Jacobi’s photographs, putting her on an equal footing with the internationally renowned photographers who contributed to the book. Among them were the photographers Edwing Galloway and Emil Otto Hoppé, who had already published his Romantic America: Picturesque United States photobook in 1927. (Westermann Co., Inc., 1927). American contributors to New York included Richard Averill Smith, who had run his own New York photo studio at 52 Vanderbilt Avenue since 1928 and specialised in photographing hotels, restaurants and private homes. Photo agencies who contributed included Presse-Photo, Berlin and Mauritus (Ernest Mayer's photo agency).

    The image selection shows Ann Tizia Leitich’s international connections within the photographer and photo press scene in Germany and New York and chimes with the intense interest in the metropolis that existed in 1930s' Europe. During the 1920s and early 1930s, the city of New York was an object of fascination for Europeans and there was a demand of this kind of book. The book's design and the changing image positions in portrait and landscape format encourage the reader to read dynamically. Published in 1932 in Germany, the book was intended primarily for European readers interested in travel, who would enjoy a virtual, close-up tour of New York from the comfort of their armchairs. Other émigrés photographers creating photobooks during the 1930s and 1940s on New York were Fred Stein with his photobook 5th Avenue, Elizabeth Coleman with Chinatown U.S.A., Andreas Feininger with New York and others, Rolf Tietgens with Times Square as well as Mario Bucovich with Magic Manhattan.

    Word Count: 495

  • Book cover of New York , edited by Ann Tizia Leitich, Velhagen & Klasing, 1932 (Archive Helene Roth).
  • Ruhepause bei den Grabsteinen der Trinity Church (image by Scherl); Auch ein Platz für Mittagsruhe (image by Jacobi, Berlin); Orangedrink nach heißer Bahnhfahrt (image by Ewing Galloway, N.Y); Ein Fünfcentstück öffnet die Drehtür zur Untergrundbahn (image by Ewing Galloway, N.Y), published in Leitich 1932, pp. 16–17 (Archive Helene Roth).
    Medical Center, die größte Klinik der Welt (am oberen Hudson) (image by Presse-Photo, Berlin); Tausendäugige Häuserfront (image by Jacobi, Berlin), New York, published in Leitich 1932, pp. 48–49 (Archive Helene Roth).
    Hafen-Romantik und Wolkenkratzer (image by Jacobi, Berlin) and Schönheit der Wolkenkratzer (image by E.O. Hoppé, Mauritius) in New York, published in Leitich 1932, pp. 14–15 (Archive Helene Roth).
    Das arme New York (image by Jacobi, Berlin); Trödelladen im Italienerviertel (image by Scherl) New York, published in Leitich 1932, pp. 56–57 (Archive Helene Roth).
    Dachgarten; Sitzplatz; Terrassengarten (images by Richard Averill Smith, New York), New York, published in Leitich 1932, pp. 38–39 (Archive Helene Roth).
  • Anonymous. “Leitich, Ann Tizia verehelichte von Korningen, AEIOU.” 25 March 2016, Austria-Forum, das Wissensnetz. Accessed 11 February 2021.

    Erian, Martin, et al., editors. Exploration urbaner Räume – Wien 1918–38: (alltags)kulturelle, künstlerische und literarische Vermessungen der Stadt in der Zwischenkriegszeit. V&R unipress, 2019.

    Leitich, Ann Tizia. New York. Velhagen & Klasing, 1932.

    McFarland, Robert B. Red Vienna, White Socialism, and the Blues: Ann Tizia Leitich’s America. Boydell & Brewer, 2015.

    Wright, Brooke Marie. Ann Tizia Leitich. New Voice, New Woman. Packaging America for Vienna (undergraduate honors thesis) dissertation). Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, 2004. BYU ScholarsArchive. Accessed 2 March 2021.

    Word Count: 93

  • Helene Roth
  • New York
  • No
  • Helene Roth. "New York." METROMOD Archive, 2021,, last modified: 14-09-2021.
  • Ruth Jacobi
    New York

    Ruth Jacobi was a German-speaking, Polish-born photographer who emigrated in 1935 to New York, where she opened a studio together with her sister Lotte Jacobi. She later had her own portrait studio.

    Word Count: 31

    Ann Tizia Leitich
    JournalistAuthorArt Critic
    New York

    Ann Tizia Leitich was an émigré Austrian author, journalist and art critic, who wrote essays, feuilletons and reviews on the American society and women for German and Austrian newspapers.

    Word Count: 29

    Fritz Henle
    New York

    Fritz Henle was a German Jewish photographer who emigrated in 1936 to New York, where he worked as a photojournalist for various magazines. He also published several photobooks of his travels throughout North America and Asia.

    Word Count: 35

    Chinatown U.S.A.
    New York

    Chinatown U.S.A. is a photobook published by the German émigré photographer Elizabeth Coleman in 1946 focusing on American-Chinese communities in New York and San Francisco.

    Word Count: 26

    5th Avenue
    New York

    5th Avenue was the first photobook by Fred Stein and was created in 1947 with the publishing house Pantheon Books.

    Word Count: 19

    Pantheon Books
    Publishing House
    New York

    Pantheon Books was a publishing house founded in 1942 by the German émigré Kurt Wolff (1887–1963) and aimed at the exiled European community in New York.

    Word Count: 24

    Andreas Feininger
    New York

    Andreas Feininger, was a German émigré photographer who arrived in New York with his wife Wysse Feininger in 1939. He started a lifelong career exploring the city's streets, working as a photojournalist and writing a large number of photography manuals.

    Word Count: 39

    Fred Stein
    New York

    Always accompanied by his camera, the German émigré photographer Fred Stein discovered New York City during the 1940s and 1950s. His pictures provide an human and multifaceted view of the metropolis.

    Word Count: 31

    Rolf Tietgens
    New York

    Rolf Tietgens was a German émigré photographer who arrived in New York in 1938. Although, in the course of his photographic career, his artistic and surrealist images were published and shown at exhibitions, his work, today, is very little known.

    Word Count: 39

    Mario Bucovich
    New York

    Only a few details are known of the life and career of émigré photographer and publisher Mario Bucovich, who, after emigrating to New York, published the photobooks Washington D.C. and Magic Manhattan.

    Word Count: 33

    Ernest Mayer
    Picture AgentFounding MemberPublisher
    New York

    Ernest Mayer was co-founder of the Black Star Publishing Company photo agency, which built a network for émigré photographers and the American magazine scene from the mid-1930s until the end of the 1950s.

    Word Count: 34

    Elizabeth Coleman
    New York

    The German émigré photographer Elizabeth Coleman emigrated in 1941 to New York, where she photographed and published the photobook Chinatown U.S.A..

    Word Count: 22

    Manhattan Magic. A collection of eighty-five photographs
    New York

    Manhattan Magic is a photobook which was published in 1937 by the German émigré photographer Mario Bucovich in New York City.

    Word Count: 20