Three Lions Inc.
Little is known about this photo agency, which was founded by two German émigré brothers, Max Georg and Walter Löwenherz in 1937 in New York
Word Count: 25
545 5th Avenue, Midtown Manhattan, New York City.
Ahlers, Arvel W. Where & how to sell your pictures. Photography Publishing Corp., 1953.
Bouqueret, Christian. Des années folles. Aux années noires. La nouvelle vision photographique en France 1920–1940. Marval, 1997.
Gilbert, George. The Illustrated Worldwide Who’s Who of Jews in Photography. G. Gilbert, 1996.
Morgan, Willard D., editor. The Encyclopedia of Photography: The complete photographer. The comprehensive guide and reference for all photographers. Greystone, 1963–1964.
Word Count: 64
Hugo Brehme, Jack Manning, Kurt Severin, Christian Straub.
The German émigrés Kurt S(z)afranski, Ern(e)st Mayer and Kurt Kornfeld founded Black Star in 1936. The photo agency established was a well-run networking institution in New York.
Word Count: 31
PIX Publishing Inc. was a photo agency founded in New York in 1935 by photo agent Leon Daniel and Celia Kutschuk, together with German émigré photographers Alfred Eisenstaedt and George Karger.
Word Count: 30
Leco Photo Service was a photofinishing lab, highly-frequented and a contact hub for émigré photographers and photo agencies during the 1930s and 1940s, as well as a provider of employment for women in the photo industry.
Word Count: 36
Founded in 1940 by the emigrant Charles Rado (1899–1970), Rapho Guillumette was a picture agency.
Word Count: 13
Photo-Representatives was a photo agency founded by the photographers Erika Stone and Anita Beer in 1953.
Word Count: 15
Pavelle Laboratories was found in 1936 by Leo and Carmen Pavelle and operated on East 42nd Street. It was specialised in the development of miniature camera film and one of the first labs working with colour film.
Word Count: 36
The Monkmeyer Photo Service photo agency was founded around 1935/36 by the German émigrés Hilde and Paul August Monkmeyer in New York City.
Word Count: 23
Camera Features was a photo agency founded by the photographer Werner Wolff and other colleagues of the photo agency PIX.
Word Count: 20
The European Picture Service was a photo agency located in Midtown Manhattan founded, probably in 1930, by the émigré photographer Max Peter Haas (1901–1985).
Word Count: 22
Modernage Photographic Services was founded in 1944 by the German émigrés Ralph and Leuba Baum and specialised in photofinishing services. In 1954 a second branch, Modernage Custom Darkrooms, was opened.
Word Count: 29
Service Photo Suppliers was a photo supplier distributing a wide variety of photo equipment and opened by the German émigré Hans Salomon (1909–?) in 1945.
Word Count: 23
Spiratone was a photo company and photo supplier founded in 1941 by the Austrian émigré family Hans (1888–1944) and Paula Spira (?–?) and their son Fred Spira (1924–2007).
Word Count: 24