JJK Copy-Art
JJK Copy-Art was a photo studio and photofinishing service founded in 1929 by the Jewish Austrian émigré James J. Kriegsmann (1909–1994) and was located at 165 West 46th Street.
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165 West 46th Street, Midtown Manhattan, New York City.
Anonymous. “Obituary James J. Kriegsmann; Theatrical Photographer, 85.” The New York Times, 1 May 1994, p. 54. Accessed 24 February 2021.
Billboard, 17 April 1943, p. 5.
Billboard, 2 November 1946, p. 10.
Billboard, 3 June, 1950, p. 27.
Broven, John. Record Makers and Breakers: Voices of the Independent Rock ʼn’ Roll Pioneers. University of Illinois Press, 2011.
Gilbert, George. The Illustrated Worldwide Who’s Who of Jews in Photography. G. Gilbert, 1996.
Hirshey, Gerri. We Gotta Get Out of This Place: The True, Tough Story of Women in Rock. Groove Press, 2002.
Mallozzi, Vincent M. “Behind the Lens, Continuing a Legacy.” The New York Times, 10 January 2010. Accessed 24 February 2021.
Perlman, Michael H. Legendary Locals of Forest Hills and Rego Park. Arcadia Publishing, 2015.
Raynor, Vivien. “Form the Famous to the Nameless.” The New York Times, 14 June 1998. Accessed 24 February 2021.
Robbins, David. Die Kamera glaubt alles / The camera believes everything. Edition Schwarz, 1988.
Wald, Gayle. Shout, Sister, Shout! The Untold Story of Rock-and-Roll Trailblazer Sister Rosetta Tharpe. Beacon Press, 2007.
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Pavelle Laboratories was found in 1936 by Leo and Carmen Pavelle and operated on East 42nd Street. It was specialised in the development of miniature camera film and one of the first labs working with colour film.
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Service Photo Suppliers was a photo supplier distributing a wide variety of photo equipment and opened by the German émigré Hans Salomon (1909–?) in 1945.
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Spiratone was a photo company and photo supplier founded in 1941 by the Austrian émigré family Hans (1888–1944) and Paula Spira (?–?) and their son Fred Spira (1924–2007).
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Ruth Bernhard was a German émigré photographer who lived in New York from the 1920s to the 1940s. Beside her series on female nudes, her place in the photography network, as well as in the New York queer scene, is unknown and understudied.
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Modernage Photographic Services was founded in 1944 by the German émigrés Ralph and Leuba Baum and specialised in photofinishing services. In 1954 a second branch, Modernage Custom Darkrooms, was opened.
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