PIX Publishing Inc.
PIX Publishing Inc. was a photo agency founded in New York in 1935 by photo agent Leon Daniel and Celia Kutschuk, together with German émigré photographers Alfred Eisenstaedt and George Karger.
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250 Park Avenue, Midtown Manhattan, New York City.
Ahlers, Arvel W. Where & how to sell your pictures. Photography Publishing Corp., 1953.
Bouqueret, Christian. Des années folles. Aux années noires. La nouvelle vision photographique en France 1920–1940. Marval, 1997.
Blaschke, Estelle. Photography and the Commodification of Images: from the Bettmann Archive to Corbis (ca. 1924–2010) (doctoral thesis). École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, 2011. issuu. Accessed 2 March 2021.
Gervais, Thierry. The Making of Visual News. A History of Photography in the Press. Translated by John Tittenson, Bloomsbury, 2017.
Kornfeld, Phoebe. Passionate Publishers. The Founders of the Black Star Photo Agency. University of Missouri Press, 2021.
Morris, John Godfrey. Get the Picture. A Personal History of Photojournalism. University of Chicago Press, 2002.
New York Photography 1890–1950. Von Stieglitz bis Man Ray, edited by Ortrud Westheider and Michael Philipp, exh. cat Bucerius Kunst Forum, Hamburg, 2012.
Smith, C. Zoe. “Emigré photography in America: contributions of German photojournalism from Black Star Picture Agency to Life magazine, 1933–1938.” (unpublished dissertation, School of Journalism in the Graduate College of the University of Iowa, Iowa City, December 1983).
Smith, C. Zoe. “Black Star Picture Agency: Life’s European Connection.” Journalism History, vol. 13, no. 1, 1986, pp. 19–25.
Smith, C. Zoe. “Die Bildagentur ‘Black Star’. Inspiration für eine neue Magazinfotografie in den USA.” Kommunikation visuell. Das Bild als Forschungsgegenstand – Grundlagen und Perspektiven, edited by Thomas Knieper and Marion G. Müller, Herbert von Halem, 2001, pp. 240–249.
Solomon, Leo M. There’s Money in Pictures. Newsweek, 1951.
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My deepest thanks go to Peter Stein for providing me with photographs and archival material of the Estate of Fred Stein, who was commissioned for Pix Publishing.
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Cecil Beaton, Josef Breitenbach, Robert Capa, Leon Daniel, Eileen Darby, Alfred Eisenstaedt, John Gutmann, Otto F. Hess, Nina Leen, Marion Post-Wolcott, Fred Stein and Werner Wolff and many more.
Werner Wolff was forced to leave Germany in 1936 due to his Jewish background and emigrated via Hamburg to New York, where he could follow his career as photographer and photojournalist.
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Always accompanied by his camera, the German émigré photographer Fred Stein discovered New York City during the 1940s and 1950s. His pictures provide an human and multifaceted view of the metropolis.
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In October 1935 the German émigré photographer Lotte Jacobi, together with her sister Ruth Jacobi, opened a photo studio on 57th Street. The two sisters had to leave their parents' photo studio in Berlin in the 1930s and emigrated to New York.
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The German émigré Lilo Hess was an animal photographer working for the Museum for Natural History and the Bronx Zoo, as well being a freelance photographer and publisher of children's books.
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Manhattan Magic is a photobook which was published in 1937 by the German émigré photographer Mario Bucovich in New York City.
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The German émigrés Kurt S(z)afranski, Ern(e)st Mayer and Kurt Kornfeld founded Black Star in 1936. The photo agency established was a well-run networking institution in New York.
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Leco Photo Service was a photofinishing lab, highly-frequented and a contact hub for émigré photographers and photo agencies during the 1930s and 1940s, as well as a provider of employment for women in the photo industry.
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Schocken Books was a publishing house established in 1945 in New York by the Russian émigré Salman Schocken (1898–1959). It specialised in books on Judaica and Hebrew topics.
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Camera Features was a photo agency founded by the photographer Werner Wolff and other colleagues of the photo agency PIX.
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Founded in 1940 by the emigrant Charles Rado (1899–1970), Rapho Guillumette was a picture agency.
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Little is known about this photo agency, which was founded by two German émigré brothers, Max Georg and Walter Löwenherz in 1937 in New York
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Photo-Representatives was a photo agency founded by the photographers Erika Stone and Anita Beer in 1953.
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The European Picture Service was a photo agency located in Midtown Manhattan founded, probably in 1930, by the émigré photographer Max Peter Haas (1901–1985).
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Pavelle Laboratories was found in 1936 by Leo and Carmen Pavelle and operated on East 42nd Street. It was specialised in the development of miniature camera film and one of the first labs working with colour film.
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Modernage Photographic Services was founded in 1944 by the German émigrés Ralph and Leuba Baum and specialised in photofinishing services. In 1954 a second branch, Modernage Custom Darkrooms, was opened.
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The Monkmeyer Photo Service photo agency was founded around 1935/36 by the German émigrés Hilde and Paul August Monkmeyer in New York City.
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On arriving in New York in 1941, the German photographer Josef Breitenbach tried to restart as a portrait, street and experimental photographer, as well as a teacher of photo-history and techniques.
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The Viennese Wolf Suschitzky made a career as a photographer and cinematographer after emigrating to London in 1935.
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