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Tatiana Alexinsky-Loukina

  • Tatiana Alexinsky-Loukina arrived in Istanbul with her husband in 1920. While living in Istanbul, she actively participated in exhibitions of the Union of Russian Painters in Constantinople.
  • Tatiana
  • Alexinsky-Loukina
  • Татьяна Алексинская-Лукина, Tatiana Loukina

  • 14-05-1884
  • Warsaw (PL)
  • PainterArt Critic
  • Tatiana Alexinsky-Loukina arrived in Istanbul with her husband in 1920. While living in Istanbul, she actively participated in exhibitions of the Union of Russian Painters in Constantinople.

    Word Count: 26

  • Members of the Union of Russian Painters in Constantinople, Summer 1922 (photography, detail). Presumably the woman on the right is Tatiana Alexinsky-Loukina. Source: Scrapbook “To Mr. and Mrs. Stearns from Russian Painters”, p. 8 (Stearns Family Papers. Archives & Special Collections. The College of the Holy Cross).
  • Tatiana Alexinsky-Loukina arrived in Istanbul with her husband in 1920. While living in Istanbul, she actively participated in exhibitions of the Union of Russian Painters in Constantinople (including First Russian émigré artists in Istanbul exhibition and Exhibition of Russian émigré artists at Taksim Military Barracks). According to newspaper reports, she was in the Union from the very beginning (that is, starting from the first exhibition) to the very end, since her name is mentioned in the list of participants in the Union’s last exhibition in 1923. In Istanbul, she mainly worked on portraits. The most successful of her works at that time were the portraits of the émigré writer Arkady Averchenko and of her husband, Ivan Alexinsky. It is worth pointing out that her husband was not only a professor of medicine, but also a confidant of Pyotr Wrangel. Most likely she moved to France after the collapse of the Union. There she worked mainly on portraits, still lifes and genre paintings. In the 1930s, these works were shown at various exhibitions in Paris. Moreover, she had a solo exhibition in 1938, which showed a series of sketches. It is also known that she wrote articles about Russian émigré artists for Russian periodicals abroad. Unfortunately, there is no information about how her life ended.

    Word Count: 212

  • Members of the Union of Russian Painters in Constantinople, Summer 1922. Presumably the woman on the right is Tatiana Alexinsky-Loukina. Source: Scrapbook “To Mr. and Mrs. Stearns from Russian Painters”, p. 8 (Stearns Family Papers. Archives & Special Collections. The College of the Holy Cross).
    Société des artistes indépendants. Catalogue de la 47e exposition 1936: au Grand Palais des Champs-Elysées du 7 février au 8 mars inclus, Paris, p. 16.
  • Anonymous. “Odnodnevnaya Vystavka Kartin.” Presse du Soir, 10 October 1921, p. 4.  

    Anonymous. “Vystavka Soyuza Russkih Hudojnikov.” Presse du Soir, 19 June 1922, n.p.

    Anonymous. “Arts et Lettres.” Journal des débats politiques et littéraires, 1 June 1938, p. 4.

    Anonymous. “Aujourd’hui.” Excelsior: journal illustré quotidien: informations, littérature, sciences, arts, sports, théâtre, élégances, 3 June 1938, p. 6.

    Kara-Murza, Alexey. Krestniy put’ russkogo vracha i politika Ivan Pavlovich Aleksinskiy (1871–1945). Genezis, 2009.

    M.A.D. “Petites Nouvelles des Arts.” Paris–midi: seul journal quotidien paraissant à midi, 5 June 1938, p. 2.  

    Société des artistes indépendants. 47, Catalogue de la 47e exposition 1936: au Grand Palais des Champs-Elysées du 7 février au 8 mars inclus / Société des artistes indépendants, Salon des indépendants, exh. cat. Société des artistes indépendants, Paris, 1936, p. 16.

    Ted’. “K Vystavke Hudojnikov.” Presse du Soir, 29 June 1923, n.p.

    Word Count: 134

  • Archives & Special Collections at the College of the Holy Cross (Worcester, Massachusetts).

    Slavonic Library (Slovanská knihovna) in Prague.

    Bibliothèque nationale de France.

    Word Count: 24

  • Ekaterina Aygün
  • Istanbul, Ottoman Empire/Turkey (1920–?); Paris, France (?–?).

  • Küçük Yazıcı 4 (now presumably Tarlabaşı Blv. 79), Hüseyinağa, Beyoğlu, Istanbul (studio).

  • Istanbul
  • Ekaterina Aygün. "Tatiana Alexinsky-Loukina." METROMOD Archive, 2021,, last modified: 14-09-2021.
  • First Russian émigré artists in Istanbul exhibition

    The first Russian-speaking émigré artists in Istanbul exhibition was a one-day event but its success led to the formation of the Union and paved the way for other exhibitions.

    Word Count: 29

    Exhibition of Russian émigré artists at Taksim Military Barracks

    The exhibition of Russian-speaking émigré artists at Taksim Military Barracks was the first major exhibition organised by the Union of Russian Painters in Constantinople.

    Word Count: 24

    Union of Russian Painters in Constantinople

    The Union existed for less than two years but in that short space of time a tremendous amount of work was done by its members, refugees from the Russian Empire.

    Word Count: 30