The exiled biologist and photographer Leonore Kosswig was one of the pioneering women researchers travelling alone in the 1950s and exploring customs and ways of life in Turkey and Iraq.
Word Count: 30
Dogramaci, Burcu. Fotografieren und Forschen. Wissenschaftliche Expeditionen mit der Kamera im türkischen Exil nach 1933. Jonas, 2013.
Dogramaci, Burcu. “Arrival City Istanbul: Flight, Modernity and Metropolis at the Bosporus. With an Excursus on the Island Exile of Leon Trotsky.” Arrival Cities. Migrating Artists and New Metropolitan Topographies in the 20th Century, edited by Burcu Dogramaci et al., Leuven University Press, 2020, pp. 205–225. Open Access, Accessed 23 March 2021.
Dogramaci, Burcu, and Rachel Lee. “Refugee Artists, Architects and Intellectuals Beyond Europe in the 1930s and 1940s: Experiences of Exile in Istanbul and Bombay.” ABE Journal, no. 14–15, 2019, n.p. Open Edition Journals, [url]; doi: 10.4000/abe.5949[/url]. Accessed 23 March 2021.
Kosswig, Leonore. “Hochzeitsgebräuche in Anatolien.” Oriens, vol. 13–14, 1961, pp. 240–250.
Kosswig, Leonore. “Geschichte und Ornamentik einer antiken, in Anatolien noch geübten Bandweberei mit Brettchen.” Mitteilungen, edited by Deutsch-Türkische Gesellschaft e.V. Bonn, no. 53, 1963, pp. 3–7.
Kosswig, Leonore. Bei den Bergnomaden auf den Murat-Bergen in Westanatolien. Private print, 1965.
Kosswig, Leonore. “Über Brettchenweberei insbesondere in Anatolien.” Baessler-Archiv, vol. 15, 1967, pp. 71–133.
Kosswig, Leonore. “Zum botanischen Vorbild der Säulen vom Theodosiusbogen in Istanbul.” Istanbuler Mitteilungen, vol. 18, 1968, pp. 259–263.
Kosswig, Leonore. “Anadolu Dokuma yaygılar.” Türkiyemiz, vol. 2, no. 5, 1971, pp. 27–33.
Kosswig, Leonore. “Ergebnisse von Beringungen im Vogelparadies am Manyassee (Türkei). Manyas gölünde yapilan halkalandirmalar hakkinda.” Bonner Zoologische Beiträge, vol. 24, no. 3, 1973, pp. 178–182.
Kosswig, Leonore. “Eigentumszeichen (Damga) in Anatolien.” Oriens, vol. 23–24, 1974, pp. 333–405.
Kosswig, Curt. In memoriam Leonore Kosswig. Leonore Kosswig’i anarken. Baha Matbaası, 1974.
Kosswig, Leonore and Curt Kosswig. “Die Variabilität bei Asellus aquaticus, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Variabilität in isolierten unter- und oberirdischen Populationen.” Istanbul Üniv. Fen Fakültesi mecmuası, no. 5, 1940, pp. 1–56.
Neumark, Fritz. Zuflucht am Bosporus. Deutsche Gelehrte, Politiker und Künstler in der Emigration 1933–1953. Knecht, 1980.
Widmann, Horst. Exil und Bildungshilfe. Die deutschsprachige akademische Emigration in die Türkei nach 1933. Mit einer Bio-Bibliographie der emigrierten Hochschullehrer im Anhang. Lang, 1973.
Word Count: 312
Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg, Leonore Kosswig, collection of ribbons.
Word Count: 12
My deepest thanks go to Erika Kosswig, who supported my research on the Istanbul photographs of her mother-in-law, Leonore Kosswig, with great generosity.
Word Count: 23
Istanbul, Turkey (1937–1973).
Inşirah Sokak No. 32, Bebek, Istanbul (residence).
Cemil Cem is remembered as a cartoonist, although he also managed the Academy of Fine Arts in Istanbul for four years. While director of the academy, he supported Russian-speaking artists.
Word Count: 30
Traugott Fuchs was a multi-talented philologist, painter and poet who lived in Istanbul from 1934 until the end of his life in 1997.
Word Count: 21
The house designed by the Swiss-Austrian architect Ernst Egli for the engineer Ragip Devres in Istanbul Bebek left its mark on the Turkish villa landscape.
Word Count: 25
The botanical garden in Fatih was established above the Galata Bridge in historic Stambul in the 1930s. This was carried out at the suggestion of the exiled botanist Alfred Heilbronn.
Word Count: 30