Kenan Temizan, Osman Assaf Kenan
The Turkish graphic designer Kenan was a popular artist in the Weimar Republic. He returned to Istanbul in 1943 to take up a position at the Academy of Fine Arts.
Word Count: 29
Dogramaci, Burcu. “Fenster zur Welt – Künstlerische Modegraphik der Weimarer Republik aus dem Bestand der Kunstbibliothek zu Berlin.” Jahrbuch der Berliner Museen. Gebr. Mann Verlag, 2004, pp. 201–233.
Gezgin, Ahmet Öner. Akademi’ye Tanıklık. Güzel Sanatlar Akademisi’ne Bakişlar, vol. 3: Dekoratif sanatlar. Bağlam Yayıncılık, 2003.
Koparan, Ergin. “Bir Cumhuriyet Kuşağı Sanatçısı: Yavuz Görey.” Ustalara Saygı. Anons Plastik Sanatlar Bülteni, December 1991, pp. 10–11.
Word Count: 70
Academy of Fine Arts (Güzel Sanatlar Akademisi), Meclis-i Mebusan Caddesi No. 24, Fındıklı, Istanbul (workplace and studio).
As a professor at the Academy of Fine Arts and Technical University in Istanbul from 1937 until 1966, Rudolf Belling taught his students the technicalities of form, material and proportion.
Word Count: 28
Gustav Oelsner became the founding father of urban planning in Turkey, his country of exile. He was also the author of numerous articles for the architectural journal Arkitekt.
Word Count: 28