

María Elena Walsh

  • María Elena Walsh was an Argentine singer-songwriter, musician, writer, composer and poet who left her mark on several generations of Argentines through songs such as [i]Manuelita[/i] and [i]La Reina Batata[/i].
  • María Elena
  • Walsh
  • 01-02-1930
  • Buenos Aires (AR)
  • 10-01-2011
  • Buenos Aires (AR)
  • PoetSong-writerSinger
  • María Elena Walsh was an Argentine singer-songwriter, musician, writer, composer and poet who left her mark on several generations of Argentines through songs such as Manuelita and La Reina Batata.

    Word Count: 31

  • Argentine writer María Elena Walsh signing copies of her books at "El Ateneo" bookstore, 1962. Archivo General de la Nación, Buenos Aires (via Wikimedia Commons).
  • María Elena Walsh was an Argentine singer-songwriter, musician, writer, composer and poet who left her mark on several generations of Argentines. Manuelita La Tortuga, La Reina Batata and El Reino del Revés are songs that have accompanied Argentine childhood for decades.
    Walsh was born and grew up in Ramos Mejía (now under the jurisdiction of Morón), on the outskirts of Buenos Aires, where she received an education tinged with the customs and habits of England, from where his father's family originated. At the age of 15 she published her first poems in such Argentine newspapers and magazines as El Hogar and La Nación. Her work soon gained the admiration of renowned writers such as Pablo Neruda, Jorge Luis Borges and Juan Ramón Jiménez. In 1945, Walsh met Victoria Ocampo, an Argentine intellectual who brought together exiled and local artists and intellectuals, and who had been editing the famous magazine Sur for more than a decade. This encounter led María Elena Walsh to publish in Sur.
    Living in the same Buenos Aires neighbourhood probably facilitated the relationship. Walsh was a native of Ramos Mejía, as was the Argentine photographer Horacio Coppola. Despite her young age, Walsh entered the circle of Victoria Ocampo, with whom she had a close friendship for decades, and of Grete Stern, who photographed her on several occasions. In fact, Walsh was a regular at the meetings organised a few streets away from her family home, in the house that the Russian Vladimir Acosta had built for Grete Stern between 1934 and 1939.
    María Elena Walsh died at the age of 80, in 2011, but continues to fill Argentine homes with her songs and stories for children.

    Word Count: 283

  • Grete Stern, María Elena Walsh, 1947, photograph, 24,5 x 20,5 cm. Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Buenos Aires (via Wikimedia Commons, © The Estate of Horacio Coppola/Galería Jorge Mara • La Ruche, Buenos Aires).
  • Liska, Mercedes. “Biografías sobre mujeres músicas: tramas de género y sexualidad en los significados de la obra musical de María Elena Walsh.” Descentrada, vol. 2, no. 2, September 2018, Accessed 26 March 2021.

    Tacconi, María del Carmen. “El rostro eclipsado de María Elena Walsh.” Alba de América, vol. 31, no. 59, 2011, pp. 93–117.

    Julia Karp y Fernando Blasco, Lit&Jazz radio TV. Youtube video Latinoticias Maria Elena Walsh, uploaded 11 April 2021, Accessed 5 May 2021.

    Word Count: 91

  • Laura Karp Lugo
  • Calle 3 de Febrero 547 (ex Caseros street), Villa Sarmiento, Morón (often attributed to Ramos Mejía), Buenos Aires province (residence).

  • Buenos Aires
  • Laura Karp Lugo. "María Elena Walsh." METROMOD Archive, 2021,, last modified: 17-05-2021.
  • Grete Stern
    Buenos Aires

    Grete Stern is one of the photographers that represent modern photography in Argentina. Her house in Ramos Mejía was a meeting place for local and foreign artists and intellectuals.

    Word Count: 30

    Victoria Ocampo
    Buenos Aires

    Victoria Ocampo was one of the most influential intellectuals in Argentina. Her home became a key meeting place for exiles and locals and deeply impacted the artistic milieu.

    Word Count: 28

    Horacio Coppola
    Buenos Aires

    Born in Buenos Aires, Horacio Coppola is one of the photographers who represent modern photography in Argentina.

    Word Count: 17

    Buenos Aires

    In 1931, Victoria Ocampo founded Sur, a literary magazine and publishing house aligned with the anti-fascist cause, which was to become a major hub for intellectual exchanges in Buenos Aires.

    Word Count: 29