Das Andere Deutschland
The Other Germany
Das Andere Deutschland was founded by German exiles. Opposed to the Nazi regime, it sought to represent ‘the other’ Germany, a tolerant, peaceful and humanist one.
Word Count: 26
Argentinisches Tageblatt, Calle Tucumán 309, Buenos Aires (editorial office).
Friedmann, Germán C. “Sobre la agrupación Das Andere Deutschland de la Argentina: política, cultura y sociedad.” Identidad en cuestión y compromiso político. Los emigrados germano-hablantes en América del Sur(Bibliotheca Ibero-Americana, 170), edited by Sandra Carreras, Vervuert, 2019, pp. 61–86.
Word Count: 43
Anonymous. “Aufruf an alle guten Deutschen, an alle ehrlichen Freuden Deutschlands.” Argentinisches Tageblatt, 11 July 11 1937, p. 3.
Das Andere Deutschland (Buenos Aires), 1939–1949. Exilpresse Digital, Deutsche National Bibliothek (DNB), Germany, Accessed 14 April 2021.
Word Count: 40
Ernesto F. Alemann, Clément Moreau, Simon Neuschlosz.
German-born Clément Moreau had to exile to Buenos Aires due to his political activism. There, he was well integrated into the artistic milieu and published his caricatures in many publications.
Word Count: 31
German exile networks were very strong in Buenos Aires. From this community, Clément Moreau, a German caricaturist and anti-fascist militant, created the theatre group Truppe 38.
Word Count: 26