Word Count: 6
Av. Córdoba and Calle Esmeralda, Buenos Aires (residence and studio, possible depicted site).
In this photograph, Annemarie Heinrich, a German photographer who immigrated to Argentina in 1927, captures the image of her own physical appearance while demonstrating her technical virtuosity and her aesthetic search.
Word Count: 30
Estrategias de la mirada: Annemarie Heinrich, inédita, edited by Diana B. Wechsler, exh. cat. MUNTREF, Museo de la Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, Buenos Aires, 2015.
Word Count: 27
Archive Annemarie Heinrich, Buenos Aires.
Word Count: 5
My deepest thanks go to Alicia Sanguinetti.
Word Count: 7
Av. Córdoba and Calle Esmeralda, Buenos Aires (residence and studio, possible depicted site)
Annemarie Heinrich is one of the photographers that represent modern photography in Argentina, she co-founded the artistic group La Carpeta de los Diez (The Folder of the Ten) in 1953.
Word Count: 29
In 1953, a group of local and exiled photographers gathered and founded the collective work known as La Carpeta de los Diez, a milestone in Argentine artistic avant-garde.
Word Count: 27