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Self-Portrait with Camera and Mirror Sphere

  • In this photograph, Annemarie Heinrich, a German photographer who immigrated to Argentina in 1927, captures the image of her own physical appearance while demonstrating her technical virtuosity and her aesthetic search.
  • Photograph
  • Self-Portrait with Camera and Mirror Sphere

    Word Count: 6

  • Annemarie Heinrich
  • 1945
  • Av. Córdoba and Calle Esmeralda, Buenos Aires (residence and studio, possible depicted site).

  • Spanish
  • Buenos Aires (AR)
  • In this photograph, Annemarie Heinrich, a German photographer who immigrated to Argentina in 1927, captures the image of her own physical appearance while demonstrating her technical virtuosity and her aesthetic search.

    Word Count: 30

  • This photograph belongs to the Self-portraits with Mirrors series, in which Annemarie Heinrich, a German photographer who immigrated to Argentina in 1927, captures her own image while at the same time demonstrating her technical virtuosity and her aesthetic search for new visualities. Her interest in light, mirrors, and the alterations that affect objects and compositions led her to experiment and explore new possibilities in the art of photography.
    In this photograph, Heinrich portrays herself half-length, her gaze fixed on a point outside the composition, as if searching for herself in a reflection/mirror outside the image. Beside her, a mirrored sphere lies on a piece of furniture. Her left hand rests near the base of the sphere while her right hand is engaged in the action of shooting the photograph and immortalising the image. Heinrich creates a multiple self-portrait: firstly, in the primary space of the photograph; secondly, in the reflection of her image in the mirrored sphere; thirdly, in the reflection of the mirror reflected in the sphere; and fourthly, in the reflection that emerges from the camera lens. Heinrich creates a play of scales with different points of view brought together in a single composition.
    The presence of the camera and Heinrich's hand on the shutter release indicate the unmistakable authorship of the image. Annemarie was a member of Carpeta de los Diez, a group of photographers whose collective experiences modernised photography in Argentina.

    Word Count: 235

  • Annemarie Heinrich, Self-Portrait with Camera and Mirror Sphere, c. 1945, Linhoff camera, Afga negative, 9 x 12 cm. (Wechsler 2015, 13, © Archive Annemarie Heinrich, Buenos Aires).
  • Estrategias de la mirada: Annemarie Heinrich, inédita, edited by Diana B. Wechsler, exh. cat. MUNTREF, Museo de la Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, Buenos Aires, 2015.

    Word Count: 27

  • Archive Annemarie Heinrich, Buenos Aires.

    Word Count: 5

  • My deepest thanks go to Alicia Sanguinetti.

    Word Count: 7

  • Laura Karp Lugo
  • Annemarie Heinrich
  • Av. Córdoba and Calle Esmeralda, Buenos Aires (residence and studio, possible depicted site)

  • Buenos Aires
  • No
  • Laura Karp Lugo. "Self-Portrait with Camera and Mirror Sphere." METROMOD Archive, 2021,, last modified: 12-05-2021.
  • Annemarie Heinrich
    Buenos Aires

    Annemarie Heinrich is one of the photographers that represent modern photography in Argentina, she co-founded the artistic group La Carpeta de los Diez (The Folder of the Ten) in 1953.

    Word Count: 29

    La Carpeta de los Diez
    Photo LabAssociation
    Buenos Aires

    In 1953, a group of local and exiled photographers gathered and founded the collective work known as La Carpeta de los Diez, a milestone in Argentine artistic avant-garde.

    Word Count: 27