A.A.A.; Friends of Art Association
Founded in 1924, the Asociación Amigos del Arte (Friends of the Arts Association) was a central organisation within the artistic milieu in Buenos Aires and became a relevant space of exhibition.
Word Count: 31
Calle Florida 950, Buenos Aires (main office); Van Riel’s Gallery, Calle Florida 659, Buenos Aires (main office).
Amigos del Arte. 1924–1942, exh. cat. Malba – Fundación Eduardo F. Costantini, Buenos Aires, 2008.
Bermejo, Talía. “La Asociación Amigos del Arte en Buenos Aires (1924–1942): estrategias de exhibición artística y promoción del coleccionismo.” Exposiciones de arte argentino y latinoamericano curaduría, diseño y políticas culturales, edited by María José Herrera, Escuela Superior de Bellas Artes Dr. José Figueroa Alcorta, 2011, pp. 51–59.
Word Count: 66
Elena Sansinena de Elizalde, Julio Noé, Alejo B. González Garaño, Maria Rosa Oliver, Victoria Ocampo.
Born in Buenos Aires, Horacio Coppola is one of the photographers who represent modern photography in Argentina.
Word Count: 17
Spanish-born Pompeyo Audivert migrated to Buenos Aires in 1911. He specialized in engraving, mastering its technique to the point of becoming a central figure in the local artistic field.
Word Count: 28
Victoria Ocampo was one of the most influential intellectuals in Argentina. Her home became a key meeting place for exiles and locals and deeply impacted the artistic milieu.
Word Count: 28