The Mother
The Mother
Word Count: 2
Balmohan school hall, Dr Madhukar B Raut Marg, Dadar West, Shivaji Park, Bombay (now Mumbai).
Karel Čapek’s (1890–1938) play The Mother (Matka in Czech, 1938) was translated into Marathi as Ai in 1942 and subsequently staged in Bombay.
Word Count: 21
Ai, translated by Madhav Manohar. Preface by V S Khan[m]dekar. Associated advertisers and printers, 1942.
Gokhale, Shanta. From an email conversation with the author. Received by Simone Wille, 19 February 2021.
Gokhale, Shanta. “The Bombay modern in four languages”. Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 53:1-2, 162-175. DOI: 10.1080/17449855.2017.1293885
Mědílek, Boris, editor. Bibliografie Karla Čapka. Academia, 1990.
Zahirovic, Hasan. From an email conversation with the author. Received by Simone Wille, 17 February 2021.
Word Count: 68