In 1934, the first refugees from National Socialism founded a Jewish aid association in Bombay called the Jewish Relief Association (JRA) to help refugees in financial and other difficulties.
Word Count: 28
1941: E. D. Sassoon Building, 4th floor, Dougall Road, Ballard Estate, Bombay (now 15, N Morarji Rd, Ballard Estate, Fort Mumbai);
1963: Hague Building, 2nd floor, Sprott Road, Ballard Estate, Bombay (now SS Ram Gulam Marg, Ballard Estate, Fort, Mumbai).
Bergwerk, Walter. “Seder in Bombay 1944.” AJR Journal, vol. 11, no. 5, May 2011, p. 3, ajr.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/2011_May.pdf. Accessed 25 April 2021.
Franz, Margit. Gateway India: Deutschsprachiges Exil in Indien zwischen britischer Kolonialherrschaft, Maharadschas und Gandhi. CLIO, 2015.
Kahn, Henry H. “The Silver Candle Holders: Autobiography and Background of Henry H. Kahn. Bethesda, 2005.” (unpublished autobiography, Leo Baeck Institute, Center for Jewish History, New York, 2005), digipres.cjh.org/delivery/DeliveryManagerServlet?dps_pid=IE9059690#1. Accessed 11 April 2021.
Voigt, Johannes H. “Indien.” Handbuch der deutschsprachigen Emigration 1933–1945, edited by Claus-Dieter Krohn et al., Primus, 1998, column 270–275.
Weil, Shalva. “From Persecution to Freedom: Central European Jewish Refugees and their Jewish Host Communities in India.” Jewish Exile in India 1933–1945, edited by Anil Bhatti and Johannes H. Voigt, Manohar, 1999, pp. 64–86.
Word Count: 118
Private Archive Margit Franz, Sinabelkirchen.
Private Archive Joe Schimmel, Cape Town.
Private Archive Flora Veit-Wild Archive, Berlin.
Word Count: 17
Prof. Dr. Oscar Gans (1888–1983), Alfred W. Rosenfeld (1908–1946), Ernst Alexander Lomnitz, Karl Maximilian Feil, Gerhard Gabriel, Max Lesser, Hanns Günther Reissner, Hans S. Grossmann (1902–1974), Joe Schimmel, Käthe Langhammer.
The art collector Schlesinger provided primarily financial aid by creating working opportunities for young artists in post-independence Bombay, and initiated the corporate culture of buying art.
Word Count: 26
The former editor of Die Literarische Welt fled to Bombay in 1939. In India Haas worked as scriptwriter for Bhavnani Productions – and had further impact on modern Indian film.
Word Count: 28
In exile Ernst Schaeffer diversified his journalistic practice and developed an understanding of Bombay through walking the city streets, taking on street-level-photography and photojournalism.
Word Count: 24
The novel Baumgartner’s Bombay provides an opposite picture to that of the successful refugee in Bombay. Anita Desai’s fiction depicts poverty and failure in Indian exile.
Word Count: 28
During the 1940’s Max Lesser ran one of the very few German-Jewish boarding houses in Bombay – in the art deco “Soona Mahal” on Marine Drive.
Word Count: 25