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Photo Willinger

  • Before their emigration to China in 1938, Margarete and Wilhelm Willinger ran several successful photo studios and agencies in Berlin (until 1927), Budapest and Vienna. Their son was the photographer Laszlo Willinger.
  • Photo Willinger
  • Willinger & Co

  • Photo Studio
  • Before their emigration to China in 1938, Margarete and Wilhelm Willinger ran several successful photo studios and agencies in Berlin (until 1927), Budapest and Vienna. Their son was the photographer Laszlo Willinger.

    Word Count: 30

  • Before their emigration to China the Willingers maintained a wide professional network, including Peter Birnbach's World Tour photography agency in Berlin and Felix Leutner's Kilophot agency in Vienna. They co-owned enterprises in Vienna, such as Autrophot – Willinger, Ernst & Cesanek, Willinger & Schnapper and Willinger & Lechner.
    The Willingers played a vital role in the professionalisation of the photo press business in Vienna and were among the founders of the Professional Association of Austrian Photojournalists in 1928 in Vienna. Other founder-members included Albert Hilscher, Karl Scheich, Mario Wiberal, Max Fenchel and Lothar Rübelt.
    The Theatermuseum in Vienna holds a huge number of photographs depicting stage settings, theatre architecture and events, actors and role potraits, as well as dancers such as Tilla Durieux, Marlene Dietrich and Josephine Baker and hundreds more originating from the Willingers’ studio in Vienna.
    In Shanghai, Willinger & Co and later Photo Willinger continued to portray the theatre scene and its protagonists, many of whom had also fled Vienna and other parts of Europe. The Willingers supplied photographs to the exile press, such as the Shanghai Jewish Chronicle and were commissioned by the German exiled architect Richard Paulick to document and advertise the interior designs of Modern Home & Sand’s Furnishing. After the creation of the designated area, the so-called Shanghai Ghetto in 1943 by the Japanese military, the studio changed its name from Willinger & Co to Photo Willinger and relocated from 1173  Bubbling Well Road and 88 Nanking Road in the International Settlement (now Nanjing Xi Lu and Nanjing Dong Lu)) to 896 East Seward Road  (now Dong Changzhi Lu) and 794/4 Point Road (now Zhoujiazui Lu) in the designated area in Hongkou. Precise data on the personnel and family connections of the photo studios in Shanghai are not yet available.

    Word Count: 292

  • 1173 Bubbling Well Road, International Settlement, (now Nanjing Xi Lu); 896 East Seward Road, Hongkou (now Dong Changzhi Lu, Hongkou Qu); 794/4 Point Road, Hongkou (now Zhoujiazui Lu) Shanghai(studio)

  • Advertisement, Willinger & Co, 88 Nanking Road, Shanghai Jewish Chronicle, 2 October 1940, S. 20.
  • E. F. “Im Zeichen der Chrysantheme. Die grosse Herbstblumenschau.” Shanghai Jewish Chronicle, 24 November 1940, p. 9. Photographs by Willinger & Co.
    “Die Ejas auf der Fussballbuehne.“ Special Issue, Supplement, Two Years Shanghai Jewish Chronicle, 11 May 1941, p. XIII. Photographs by Willinger & Co.
    Advertisement, Pollack Foto-Studio, Eroeffnung (opening), 896 East Seward Road, Shanghai Jewish Chronicle, 14 September 1941, S. 13.
    Announcement, Rembrandt-Studio, vormals Hamilton-House, jetzt: 581/20 Kungping Road (formerly Hamilton House, now: 581/20 Kungping Road), Shanghai Jewish Chronicle, 28 May 1943, S. 4.
    Advertisement, Photo Willinger, 794/4 Point Rd., Shanghai Jewish Chronicle, 7 May 1945, S. 12.
  • Greif, Milena. "Die Geschichte der Wiener Fotoagentur Willinger und ihr verschwundener Bestand." Rundbrief Fotografie, vol. 11, no. 3, 2004.
    Karmasin, Mathias and Christian Oggolder. Österreichische Mediengeschichte. Von Massenmendien zu sozialen Medien (1918 bis heute). Bd. 2, Springer 2019.
    Starl, Timm. Lexikon zur Fotografie in Österreich - 1839-1945. Album Wien 2005.

    Word Count: 43

  • Theatermuseum, Vienna, Online Collection.

    Word Count: 4

  • Mareike Hetschold
  • 1939
  • Shanghai
  • No
  • Mareike Hetschold. "Photo Willinger." METROMOD Archive, 2021,, last modified: 14-09-2021.
  • Richard Paulick

    After studying with Hans Poelzig, Richard Paulick worked in Walter Gropius’s office and frequented the Bauhaus in Dessau before emigrating to Shanghai in 1933. After his return, he became an influential planner and architect in the GDR, from 1950 until his retirement

    Word Count: 41

    Modern Homes
    Architecture and Furniture Company

    The three firms The Modern Home, Modern Home and Modern Homes existed from 1931 until 1950. Run by the Paulick brothers together with the Jewish emigrant Luedecke, the firms provided work for many emigrants.

    Word Count: 32